Be Who YOU are... No Matter Where YOU Are

You don't have to be crazy to be my friend.... BUT it surely helps!

Freitag, 29. Februar 2008

Hellouuuu you people out there ;)
this week was quite nice^^haha tuesday very exhausting PE again BUT no on that day i could kinda relax ;) and we had PW lectures on Tuesday and Thursday...Tuesday: FUNNY! ^^projects from seniors...thursday awefully boring whaha^^and wednesday was this thing about CAAL and exploring bukit timah....quite scaring what the told us bout the old ford factory (I LIVE JUST RIGHT NEXT TO IT :-S )!
AND of course the big thing of this week: Enrichment Week Application ^^whaha so much stress and hectic and everything on monday, then people (like suen li and me whaha) wanted to check it at home but it got all erased....Forteunately suen li managed to get back to everything she wanted ^^ im having some difficulties (3 in Pers.Ef.COurse and 4 in CreativeWriting)^^haha...well lets seee how itl turn out! almost everyday they announced sth. bout the enrichment week thing^^and almost everytime ms sharon pua told us to wear our uniform properly and today there actually WAS a spot-check, right Yun Jie ? ^^haha - btw GP today? lol pretty ...well, lets say entertaining in one or another way ;)
i can think of an very obscene talk this week, with batteries and stuff?! haha ;) so damn funny ^^although it all started when derek was misunderstanding me, AGAIN!!haha^^ ended up that cherry thought of batteries in a bus! talkin bout cherry!!: WAS sooo fun to invent a script for GC ^^haha we laughed a lot....xiaoxing wrote evrything down....jolly bean ^^haha ...talking bout xiaoxing: VERY nice of you for borrowing me cadett kelly whaha^^
thursday was dancing again YAY: hiphop power style with youngbloodz - imma shine (step up) and girls hip hop style with janet jackson - get it out me :D
but before that we had PE with all the jumping, and running and sprinting and medicine balling ....i was sooo tired ^^but it was quite fun talking to some people at the bus station after that ;))))
ohhhh yeaaaaah almost forgot: there was this attack of the KILLER-Butterfly!! was pretty scary lah !

I love this picture! You can see how everyones happy about seeing this so beatiful butterfly (BUT not me!!!) :D

Yun Jie, Candy, Jolene, Charis, Suen Li and Ben and I were playing pool this week ^^very funny --- but most of us couldnt really play thaaaat good whahah^^jolenes a damn pro man!

In case u didnt notice: the balls show 1 and 7 = 17!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDDD

So guys thats all for this week...tomorrow is dancing and then KBOX !!! damn excited bout it lah!! :D :D :D hopefully ill find the way haha ;)
see u tomorrow guys (most of yu ;) )
keep it chillin

Montag, 25. Februar 2008

A lotta things have happened since the last entry...
our class DID get split up - well no directly split up but like half of the people had to go/went to other first more people were gone..but then some came back to NJ (mostly because they wanted to stay in 08S17 hehe) ...but some others changed their combi so they arent any longer in 08S17 ...but in our/their hearts they will always be 08S17!!!!*cheeeasy* haha ...also sam is gone (missing youuuu^^), and xengfang and so many other people :(((((
so at present 08S17 has 11 of the original 08S17 people... the 2nd intakers are - well- lets just say we dont know them yet... but one girl (Uma) shes taking same combi like me *so happy* ;)- oh and rasyqah takes german H2 (!!!) haha ^^....
so yeah...lets see how all that will work out...
and last friday : ROAD RUN ..OH MY GOD so exhausting,...but cheering was awesome haha!! ...i think i didnt even finish in time cause we had to shortcut BUT hey 3 rounds arent easy to run if your names not benjamin or joel, yaa? haha xD after road run i went home and jumped into our condo pool *hihi* for the first time..after that i fell asleep in the sun so my sunburn, which i already had from road run, got even during the time i was out with vicy i was red like a lobster! but she had the idea to buy a after-sun lotion which helped a lot! and we watched "AH LONG PTE LTD"...haha so funny! saturday dancing, learned a new, pretty wild choreo haha and sunday i went to a photography galaria with diana...was very short but i enjoyed talking to her :D "WICKED" haha ...and yeah todaaay...
we finally so our full class in total...pretty sad...we/ I still miss the old members of 08S17 but who knows maybe the "new" ones will be nice too! 
nother big thing: ENRICHMENT WEEK aplication...haha the BYTZ was very crowded and some courses were already full! Siao! ...but i think the people frm 08S17 got mostly all the things they wanted to going to do
creative writing
comics workshop
personal effectiveness
MTV "2" ..boybands and bubblegum stuff or so ^^haha
and watch the BBC movie: Great Expectations...^^very funny with all the people running around like crazy, or forgetting their passwords lah! ;)
oh and Ms Chua was very upset because of us ...weve got "from bad to worse" ...i dun think thats good haha ....and i have someone to hang out with now at the chem lessons of the others when i have free period: Uma haha ^^
photography was interesting : the professional showed us pictures today and told us how to do we have to hand in 4 GORGEOUS motives/pictures after march holidays..and before march holidays is going to be some PS bonding...:D yeah and sunday were (kim & co.) are going to support our group for DANCE WORKS!! VERY NICE! speaking bout dancing: tomorrow is dancing audition! those who want to join COME, those who not COME and support ;)
saturday is Kbox for 08S17 at 12..but dancing for me ends at 2 :( so what to do?! hmmm....
i wanna watch deathnote ;) haha sonia loves it....
today was very fun...thanks guys ;)
keep it chillin' 

Montag, 18. Februar 2008

Hey EveryOne,
hows life ? erm...- OK at first: because people were asking me today why i didnt come to TERRA house outing. IM SO SORRY :( but at first i had dancing until 2PM and then i had to hurry to city hall..had to be there at 4PM cause  all of the germans had to meet up there and tell our organisator how were doing so far and he gave us also some information (e.g. bout the vietnam trip when its going to be and how long and blaaah) after that  we watched chingay! so everything kinda clashed/crashed! im soo sooryy ..believe me, i thought i would be able to go to the outing :( heard it was really fun...BUT i hope i can attend our KBOX OUTING YEH!! GO ZIYIN!!! ^^haha ...oh everybody listen up: youve got to see JUMPER! cool movie haha^^i went to Bugis junction to see it on friday and it was so fun! 
oh oh and dancing was hELLA CooL!! ^^at first we stretched and warmed up as usual (watching the preperations and new OGLs for the 2nd OrientatioN! :D ) but then the guys had to lift up every single girl in 4 different ways ^^whaha actually was really cool^^SORRY for everything i did/didnt do ;)
one big special thank you to SUEN LI ...SO cool the picture isnt it?! :D and the letter :D so cute laaah!!! i really like it ....and ZIYIN you keep giving us those little sweets and very nice cards...always a real pleasure receiving them :DD !! 
I WISH ALL OF YOU GOOD LUCK TOMORROW! Hope 08S17 stays alive .... as written on a valentines balloon:
08S17 RAWKS!!!
(we can be excited bout 2mrws skit ^^PERFOMING: shihui, yuhui, suen li, benjamin, derek, adelaine, hui shan and cherry (?) GO FOR  IT :D )
keep it chillin

Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2008

(i editet this picture a tiny bit - but i loooove this picture, its very cool! :D )

So Hello People - and a  happy V-DAY to all of you!
Today was awesome....just terrafic!! i loooved it so much!! Lets go through the school day one by one^^at first morning assembly : A LOT OF CHOCOALTE everywhere were being given to people! VERY NICE :D ...and i was veeery surprised by getting also some chocolate-didnt expect anything ! so yeah thanks to all of you, who gave me a little nice surprise this day (made it really nicer :D) : Thank you Arifah, ANGEL^^, Shamini, Chuyun, Shermin, Vivien, Seoh Ying, Ziyin, Candy, Shihui, Zi Yi, Weiwen and to my class 08S17!!! ( Dont really know from whom those nicely packed packages were! But soooo nice THANK YOU!!) and of course to Samantha!!!! sooo sweeeet you even wrote somethin <3333

so cute !! :D thanks again!

It really made me happy, all of you did :D thank you...because like monday and tuesday was very much homework to do! my head was like aching whole time ... and then photog CCA on monday - was interesting, but again a lot of stuff to remember in ur head! so yeah...i was kinda not feeling well...and HOMEWORK over HOMEWORK so much to do ^^and didnt even did it all correctly^^ (scored awesome 24/40 marks in a bio mcQs Homework whaha)...but english lit was really fun (and actually always IS! haha ;D ) 
WEDNESDAY was quite okay in school...but then german lesson ---> VERY SIAN ^^but in a way it was fun with elaine and jamie ;) ...dotter/daughter haha^^and jamie: LOOVVE UR DANCING! WOW ! ;) :P ...
okay lets go on....;)
Todays PE: We ran road run route again (just like on Tuesday) but this time it was a bit different with all the exercises ^^haha but mr lee said we are the classe people say about we would sing a lot and stuff....keep it up 08S17 WE ROCK and ALWAYS WILL!!!^^haha

oh yeah and then after school student council was playing music and those cute pictures - VERY NICE man^^music was so cool ...they actually played all the stuff i loooove : high school musical, britney spears, timbaland, etc.^^
AAAAAAND i had a veeeeery long and goood and funny and enjoying and interesting talk with some people ^^called benjamin and derek (and partly shermin, vivien and seoh ying haha) i just gotta say: number 2!!! ^^noo...number 15, no 13 ...blaaaah^^okay sry ^^just kidding laaah! ...but like the serious stuff really helped me really happy right on my up-curve again ^^haha ;) thanks!
maaan i think from now on i love v-day! and dancing was veeeery cool-very nice dance (because of you - neyo)
hahaaa oh yeaaah^^and GP lesson today was so funny....shibin was on my right and i dunno...very funny when ms tan (gp teacher) said sth. bout givin/doing more^^we kinda talked about britney spears when she said that so i went like : GIMME MORE haha funny :D but then the teacher also said: gotta DO SOMETHIN' shibin went all like : DO SOMETHIN' hahaaa ^^so funny, we kinda laughed a lot...i LOOOVE GP! haha  (still gotta do the homework though whaha) and BIO we started on Lipids /membrane structure : I FINALLY understand something (okaaay i did it in germany before - but still^^) ...i have at least one little success! ^^haha....
Oh man compared to the past days i am really happy and confident again...thank you all of you ....

keep it chillin
MJ aka manuel

Sonntag, 10. Februar 2008


So now this was a long weekend... veery nice, could actually gain some new energy which i will definitely need for coming school weeks/ROADRUN/fitness test...blaaaaaa ^^
All started on Wednesday, 6th February in schoool:
Morning Assembly - That House-Fashion-Thing ...^^haha oooh my god - i got dressed up as a chinese warrior and had to move to JOELs singing to a beatbo from JASON (Ghong Shi!? - yeah i guess ^^) IT WAS SOOO COOL ...i wanna hear that again i really liked it ...but i couldnt really concentrate cause i was so nervous :-SSS 
after that: The Show in LT5 ! (yuhui, shi hui, charis and me should originally go paper cutting) ...yeah the show was (sry no offense :-S ) kinda boring (prbbly cause didnt understand a word ^^) ...but then all of a sudden we were taken out by a teacher and had 10MINUTES left to do our paper cutting... the three of us (shi hui, charis and me) didnt know what to do... so we decided very fastly to cut a mouse and a box sayin "happy CNY" and under that written in chines, latin and german^^....IT LOOKED SO HORRIBLE AND CRAPPY ^^one teacher gave us an "X" for "not cutting" ^^haha... SORRY 08S17!!
then in the evening (AT AROUND 12AM) my hostparents and me went to a nursery (for the germans : A flower sales place ^^very funny though) .... yeah that ended my daaay ;)
Keep Chilling!!!


Next Days, February 7th-8th:
My hostfamily and i went to their relatives, talked, drank and ate a loooot and the children (including me , yeahy :D ) collected those famous little red packets (red envelopes with a bit money in it ....but the money doesnt matter lah ..really just (i was) are very thankful that so many people wished you a succesful year in that way ;) )...of course the food was very fancy and a huge amount.....and i guess it was friday where i talked really long to suen li (ENJOYING btw :D) and she helped me PIMPING my blog lolz ;) THANKX suen li!!!
She also told me you barely (or even NOt At ALL ) KNOW GREEEYS ANAATOMY ?!? basically its this show about young surgeonts (dont know how to spell so soorry ...lets just say doctors xD)...and yeah ...they get taught all the stuff and get to know each other with aaaaall the feelings that come along (KATHREINE HEIGL starring in know lah ...the hot girl which makes you watch 27 dresses:D ) heres a picture (Kathreine Heigl is the hot blonde in the back :DDD)!

Saturday, 9th February :
Some germans of us here finally got to meet up...was quite good to hear what they have exerienced so far and what they feel like and yeah ...was good...
but something happened typical for me ....(i think i should get this "Mr Clumsy" shirt)
we walked and lennart was talking to me...well he started...but there was this thing ...a bar or so...right about my height..SOOO i walked under it (not seeing it) and it whiped of my cappie...sooo i got down, picked up the cap and while standing up (very fastly kinda) i bumped my head so strongly on that bar that i fell and with my bag of cds i hit my face ...very NOT funny - yeah but i laughed ...i know im weird HAHA lolz

GUUUUYS i hoped all of you had a great chinese new year and a good long weekend...see ya tomorrow !
keep it chillin'
(OH YEAH almost forgot, for good memories watch this(i know its not us but its the game we played lolz): Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dienstag, 5. Februar 2008

ill keeep this one short :P
so yetserday the highlight was definitely the classroom cleaning haha (pictures below :D ) ...and photography was quite boring ^^we had to build a binhole camera out of two boxes ...not really interesting bt i guess u understand better than how a camera works lol
TODAY yeah... at first of course PE!!!! ...we had to run 8 rounds !! (+1 round warm up ^^so basically 9 rounds = 3.6km!!!) sheeeewsh^^ of course i turned red like a tomato again.*haha*
but it was very nice hanging out with some people on the benches ^^drinking drinks with PEEERLS and jelly ^^
the other thing was the students lounge ...hihi you guys will see tmrw what that was for :DDDD i can just say : Be ready to use ur cameras ^^the last and firt time ur going to see me like this !!!
so guys see u tomorrow !!!

jolene and joan kinda fighting:D

the hard workers cleaning the board ;)

triple smile is tiple nice :)


keep smiling, keep shining ...

helloo derek :)

the reflection :D

Samstag, 2. Februar 2008

whats up everyone?
today i had western dancin , ergo: i was in school ;)
and guess what i saw there ? i saaaaw our lantern hanging at the walk from the hangs so that everyone sees it when they walk in the atrium....the mouse faced towards them!! isnt that daaamn cool guys from s17 ?? i  think we can be proud if it at the end ;) haha
dancing was quite fun today^^we kinda "expierenced" what your body can do^^(bridges, handstands, wheels and different variations of all :D haha ) and i forgot my wallet AGAIN! but this time at i couldnt go for lunch with some people :( sorry :( next time :D DUUUH!!
hows everyone doin?
hope ur okay^^

sorry ...but does anyone knows how to make your blog look like fancier and cooler?!
if anyone knows....would you me mind helping me?^^im quite desperate here ...thanks :D

hey ho everyone...
soo yesterday was kind of a very looooong day.  at first school, of course and after that waiting and watching a very interesting basketball game between NationalJuniorCollege team and National(Singaporean)Team! WOOOH one nice game (although the score was 36:89 the national team when i left at 6:30PM xD) 
theeeen Western Dancing group went to see our hiphop teacher Mr Chin in a hall prdouction/musical called  "love is in the heir" ...was so good! just AWESOME...when that was over (10:30PM) we walked to the bus station, and then after lon waiting and walking haha we were about getting on the bus i realized my WALLET (containing bank cards, students pass, german I.D and of course money) was lost!!!
so some of us had to go back (i want to thank you guys again SOOOOO MUCH ...youre sooo nice !) to the UCC and ask for the wallet...luckily i got it back!!! but then again when isha (hope thats correctly spelled...if not im sorry! ) and me went to the bus station we HAD to SEE that our last bus was gone since 11:04PM (and it was 11:15PM somethin like that) isha had to call her parents...they picked us and sahar (a girl we met at the bus station whos last bus was gone too) and drove us home... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT AGAIN!!!
i was at home at like something lik 12AM...then (if that all wouldnt have been enough i slipped in the bathroom and fell to the ground...hurting my leg and head *OUCH*)

that was  yesterday...and today was quite fun in school^^especially GP ^^haha ...i think we have such a cool GP teacher...although she made us write a paragraph (which i think i kinda screwed up haha ^^) Yun Jie was scared anyone would read hers so i couldnt see what she was writing ^^ it was kinda fun when she sat in front of me in maths :D !!! ^^RIGHT?!?!
and sitting next to benjamin is quite nice *haha* you get to hear very informal and smart stuff...e.g. : "whys tigger looking into the toilet?" - "HES LOOKING FOR POOOOH!!!" ^^okay kinda lame but i think its funny^^so dont laugh at it !!!! laugh about it ;D

haha i wonder if suen li and shi hui sill have their wonderful drawings/writings on legs and arms ;) 

and one thing i almost so damn proud of our lantern and the mouse...candy did a really great job painting it golden :D ! and all the others cherry, yun jie, suen li, xiao xing and huishan (at whos house we all started doing the lantern by the way ;) thanks again) did really do hard work on that one damn lantern..which looks really cool right now ^^we better win a damn price ;) haha 
--> 08S17 is BALLING <--

and my day ended with photography CCA (to clear all confusions!) ;)

and one day i will figure out that stupid pen-thumb-spin-thing !! 
so guys keep it up
( TERRA Ghong Zhu Da Jia Xin Nian Kuai Le xD )

Britney Spears - Circus