Be Who YOU are... No Matter Where YOU Are

You don't have to be crazy to be my friend.... BUT it surely helps!

Montag, 28. April 2008

Having Fun...really?

YOO people!! dont be surprised...decided this one to be a PICTURE-Post---since pictures say more than Words :D haha *lame* but right now im really laaaazy

LOONG ago: Pizza Hut Excursion after é 2nd session of CIP at clementi primary school..we were telling them to eat healthy and then we ate Pizza (charis with extra loads of cheese :D ...talking bout healthy, huh? :D)

ECONS :D great as usual! sonias stoning face says everything :D

BREAKING SCHOOL RULES O.o : no ah JK ^^its not that bad....we just werent changed after PE and Sharon Phua caught us ^^was quite funny cause all of us changed behind a pillar, then walked pass her, took everything off again and then she walked by our tutorial room, seeing this: an entire ROW!!! of PE-attire pupils haha *damn funny*

Haha..there are even worse pictures of this UNGLAM-CAMWHORING pictures haha but i thought this one was quite nice ah!! :D

Tamil-Debate on Friday, 25/05/2008: ZEEENAAA was theeere...good to see her again..but there are no pictures of anyone...except this one with shiva...guess uma, rasyi, zeena and me were too lazy haha...well tamil debate was quite okay (liked the perfomance part) but i did not understand a word they said...but i learned 4 words haha!
was quite long in school...zeena and me left at ten PM!! 

Ngee Kiang, Rasyiqah, Adeline, Manuel
watching a movie (tell u more later :D) in this GREAT cinema! *we asked some woman and her BF/husband to take pictures...turned out to be he was a photographer-yeah- and he took some expert pictures with his NIKON DSLR and he is going to send them to us...DAMN NIce ah...there should be more people like those two...we dont even know their names....haha)

this single picture took us super-long^^because we didnt know how to take until we asked some stranger...who ngee kiang appearently found very handsome :D hhaha jk...
Kung-Fu Manu, Kung-Fu PANDA, Kung-Fu Rasyio :D:D

Now watch out:

Anne Boleyn(ngee kiang), King henry VIII, Mary Boleyn(adeline)
taking pic and being disappointed in her promiscouos husband *haha*
Queen Katharine(rasyi)
...isnt the similiarity damn STUNNING?!?! SO cool haha...but one serious word:
This movie is one of the best movies ive ever seen in my life!!!
i went "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" all the time *annyoing adeline haha*
BUT I LOVE THIS MOVIE...and its all based on real happenings in history in england (16th century)...and the storyline is sooo damn detailed and stunning truely-what-happened...couldnt believe it, when i was checking it on wikipedia!

so go and watch...and yeah today i had so much fun again! thanks people :D also to S17, especially while cleaning our classroom today *THROWING WET RAGS ON THE CA6 WALLS FOREVER!!! throwers: jade, suen li, charis= water enemy GRR and derek haha*

---oh yah...lastly: went to cross country last week with uma and rasyi to support jade and benjamin running :D after the run it started raining so heavily...ras and me decided to go earlier before rain gets worse...ending up being entirely wet and cooold...then we waited so long for 67 to never came..but then it stopped raining..our people being sooo dry also came to the bus station-and then out of nowhere the bus came!! *kill myself haha*
one day later, track&field meet, 4x400, i was to exhausted after running and fell...hurt my knee kinda :( sry guys again lol
*for pictures go chekk out umas or rasyiqahs blog; theyre linked ---> too lazy uploading more pictures...sorry!*

school=NOTHING Changed :(unforteunately. stressy as always...even though i dont even have to do everything!!! 

guys only a few weeks sad

Montag, 14. April 2008

Hello Again!

Hello People...
long time no post eh? (okay as 08S17 said i should drop that habit haha) first im going to list you the mistake of the month:
GETTING my hair cut THAT short (even if i didnt want it that short!) and wasting S$10 (sry i betrayed you UMA)!!
A lot of people have quite different opinions.. what to do? AIYOOOH!! (thats by the way my word of the month...)
Basically i didnt want to blog..but i dont know...feels weird when nothing is being blogged for such a long you probably can see i changed my blogskin...("AGAIN!?" you may think..and i will have to say "YES!") its just im always picturing these amazing blogskins and when i try to do them it doesnt work out like i want to ahah... but i like the current one :D though it doesnt really convey the idea of NEW york city (my dream where i wanna live in future....ah gorgeous!) is suuuper super stressing...just got our ECONS tests & essays back..rather not say my results haha! JK! essay: 1/13 and test:14/30 ...SCOOORED!!!
nvmnd aah..again people told me i should slack going to be gone in about 50 days anyways...but well see a bit under pressure cause im the first one from my organisation to go to NJC..have to behave well and so on, so NJ will take new germans next year ( i think depending on my behaviour two or 1 or none haha) yeah...cannot REALLY slack..and i also dont want to....would be damn uncollegial and unfair to class (it actually is already because of all the exams/common tests coming up in around june, VA and PWs i dont have to do! but cannot help it :(  wouldnt be there..) So yeah but i basically have enough to do and enough stress with the "NORMAL" stuff from school... i really respect all NJCians HIGHLY!! :D especially 08S17 haha !! which is crazy as always....and thats good so :D

right now im superstressed out...having a really bad day...dunno why...guess one thing led to another and i miss home today and ...ARGRH! i just dont know what is wrong with me thinking of so much stuff...and im NOT EMO! its just SOO freakingly much which is running through my mind right now...and my head is just too full!!! but then have to keep up doing homework and studying and all this stuff... caal and OMG just GERMAN homework from home and WAAH im going C.R.A.Z.Y! i would just need time out.....just time to think...time to organise me, my feeling and finally maybe even life for the moment...TIME IS SOMETHING UTTERLY IMPORTANT IN SPORE....
right now im doing too many mistakes...and WHAT the HELL: im turning 18 this year...should be more serious and responsible and BLABLAH all this stuff...but i dont really WANT to grow older...but its still happening...
my german friends are falling apart more and more...guess i finally understand the meaning of "OUT OF SIGHT; OUT OF MIND"...but of course there are still some friends who are true friends and then you miss them even more...and AHH villain circle

nvmnd...when i have something like this i just watch youtube videos and sometimes actually find something really funny like this....i personally think this is funny^^and it relaxes me and helps me lower my blood pressure ^^haha wah lao! :P ooops sorry! one video haha:

so about to go and "TRY" doing maths again...thanks for everyone helping me (and uma haha) in mostly the way of lending us the done tutorials haha 
hope you like the blogskin with my song of the month: Janet Jackson-Rock with U!! MAAAN THIS WOMAN IS AMAZING!! 
talking bout music: CANTABILE form NJChoir was aawwweeeesome! LOVEEED IT!! thank you to njchoir and sonia and eunice from 08S17 haha ^^was so cool!! 
yep thats it from me...and remember..dont let school let you down! you will still BE whoever you want to be if you just stay yourself!
(LOOKING forward to feedback referring my blogskin :D haha rather bad one than good one so i can improve it ;))
THANKS and for the third time now 
haha manuel

Dienstag, 1. April 2008


Hello people...
whoa so much has happened! Weve been doing A LOT of stuff! a lot of homework, a lot of mugging for tests (econs, maths! (4/15 is my personal record hahah) and for the unlucky ones also chem) and of course for the unlucky ones again chem VA and project work...
cca dancing is kind of not that often any more :( while photog is getting more and more...still have to take some pictures..for SYPA and some other contest.
weve got a lot of new teachers, e.g. mr hussain-econs; ms.wong-Bio; and so on haha...also literature got sooooo---ah well---lets just say it got less fun lol okay? can lah!
a lot of new lecture notes, a lot of new topics, a lot of new tutorials to finish,  a lot of homework (now especially in econs)
and since tuesday my family had been here :D was kinda very nice and cheering to see them again but on the other side also very weird because german life met singaporean life and it kind of didnt match. :-S ^^(i wanna thank charis and mengqiao again for helping me showing them and kenneth the school!)
...SO YOU SEE: A LOT more to do right now... term2 is craaaazy! i guess thats why we have new timetables and got divided into different GP groups, im all alooone *cryyy* but actually the new GP group and teachers are quite nice :D !
then i have to congrulate sonia and eunice and njchoir for their work in italy, europe!! good job (just saw the video sonia posted on the class blog) ;) haha

(although nobody but mengqiao seemed to care or make jokes)

today was very long!! at first i wanna mention PE: what a big surprise! We had to run, run, run and run more ^^but still quite was just that the sun was burning and shining like crazy and very hot! and no clouds at all! i guess thats why after PE i was very dizzy-feeling and started seeing white dots ^^haha and annoyed Suen-Li and Charis while eating Ice-Cubes during maths tutorial haha^^but luckily hero Benjamin had a paradol for me!!! Thx again! it really helped...though during PW i was still not feeling okay, so i slept a bit and afterwards my status climbed up^^ then the actual PW people walked through the library with the teacher, on my way i met elaine talked with her and got raped between some book shelves *lol* jk^^ 
PW was very interesting today..the PW people had to come up with ideas for JOURNEYs and MODERNIZATION! i liked the discussion afterwards about journeys...and the teacher (im so sorry i dont know his name) mentioned a lot of journeys (che guevara, etc.) and then he mentioned me...the little me...
im undertaking a journey right now, he said; because im here in singapore on my own and explorin a totally different culture. is that true? am i right now on a way of developing myself and am i growing (not physical laaa!! ;P)... am i changing much? will i change? more? will the new i lose friends, will it find new friends (ive already lost some friends)? am i still going to be the me...the small me???? i dont know if i like that idea or not...its just too many questions right now. im just so happy to have people like you here who are just amaazing^^not to say stoning&rocking...i have to leave in a few weeks :(

I shall stop being emo!!! ;) and be thankful to have met you! but i think its a bit too early to say that!

CAAL/CIP programme todaaay!!
first session: meeting the clementi primary school kids and introducing them for what we are going to be there and who we are lol
it was very funny, we played some games and Q&As^^ everyone did a good job^^just next time: be more in control and behave better haha
uma did a lot of (gorgeous) pictures? did u??? hahah i waanaaa see them, because you know I NEED PICTURES!!!!!!!!! since these are my last weeks :((( 
(i would upload some pics and if i had some haha)
and after that the pizza hut excursion with the nice durian market downstairs haha and the amazing bus ride home with mengqiao and seraphina haha

OKAY i think thats soo sorry this one got so long :( !!
see ya tmrw during COUNCIL ELECTION SPEECH DAY! (and i wont be taking pictures anymore haha too many phtogs already! ;) ) i think itll  be very cool lah!

keep it chilling 

Britney Spears - Circus